Diatomaceous Earth 硅藻土粉
Diatomaceous Earth 硅藻土粉
硅藻土/矽藻土/硅藻泥/ DE粉(Diatomaceous Earth)是一種生物化學沉積岩;由矽藻的細胞壁沉積而成;淡黃色或淺灰色,質地軟而輕,可輕易的磨成粉末;密度低、多孔隙、有粗糙感,有極強的吸水性。由於矽藻土可以防霉防潮濕,有助防止蚤蟲生長,達至防蟲功用。
形態 粉狀
用途 吸濕、防潮濕、防霉、防蟲
產地 中國
特點 吸水力強,高達80%的孔隙率令矽藻土結構疏鬆,吸水性高達自身重量4倍的水份。
兌水比例 100g 粉:約40g 水 (可根據實際情況自行調整)
- 將硅藻土粉按比例加入裝有水的杯中
- 用木棒攪拌均勻
- 倒入模具中
- 等侯15-45分鐘後脫模
- 放於窗邊曬乾

I have used this powder to kill fleas and bed bugs. It is really effective in killing larvae, as well as young and adult bugs. It penetrates their skin and shell to dehydrate them to death. It doesn’t kill them immediately but they do die eventually as long as they come into contact with the power. However, this does not kill the eggs, though as soon as the eggs hatch, the larvae would come into contact with the powder and be killed.
It works best with daily vacuum and daily reapplication if you have the time, but I just left the powder on for 2 with daily top-up, then vacuum and repeat the powder application for 2 weeks again. This helped prevent further flea and bedbug infestation.
Also, super fast next-day delivery. Thank you!