Candle Element is a registered business in Hong Kong and provides candle materials to our valued customers via online platform. Products are imported from USA, South Korea, UK, Japan, etc. Candle Element is the authorised dealer of Candleworks, which is a developed brand focusing on home fragrance in South Korea.
We operates an online platform of handcrafting material with high variety and quality. You can get what you need in a convenient way to create the unique craft and enjoy the delight through DIY process. Approx. 85% of orders are processed within 1 working day.
Candle Element 為香港註冊公司營運的一站式網上平台,致力為各大小工作室、公司機構、手工藝者,提供蠟燭、擴香、香水等手工藝所需材料及工具。我們追求質素的產品並由由美國、韓國、英國、日本等不同國家進口,讓客人可安坐家中,方便而快捷取得所需材料。
Candle Element為韓國Candleworks之香港授權代理商,提供更方便的購買途徑。
Candle Element 提供多元化、具質素的手工藝原材料,使客人更容易享受DIY創作的樂趣。產品包括:
- - Wax蠟材
- - Color 顏料
- - Fragrance Oil 香薰油
- - Essential Oil 天然精油
- - Molds模具
- - Plaster & Diffuser 石膏及擴香
- - Tools & Accessories 工具及配件
網站上基本上為現貨產品,並由Candle Element提供具效率的出貨系統。現時約85%訂單可於一個工作天內出貨,務求以最快的速度解決顧客殷切需求。